Thursday, April 30, 2009


Ok.. texten ar verkligen det basta med den har laten. Kanslor som aldrig gar att satta i ord har anda fatt nagon sorts plats har. Jag ALSKAR den. Lite nervos for vad ni ska tycka darfor... Sa shoot, har ar den forsta laten!

I see the sun set in your eyes
leaving your beautiful smile behind
for me to keep safe in my memories
You look at me with tender eyes
wanting to reach out for me
knowing that you can't
The panic grows numb in my chest
as I listen to the sweetness
of your voice fade away

Forget Regret
Forget Right and Wrong
When you Touch me
There's Nothing Else that Matters
All I can Care About is You
All I Really Want is you
Kiss me like there's no Tomorrow
End my Sorrow with your Lips
Forget About Tomorrow
Forget About Tomorrow

The goodbye is clear in your voice
I can't fight it
but there's nothing I won't do to try
'Cause How could I
just stand by
watchng you fade away?
Memorizing every inch of your skin
as you pull me closer
trying hard not to cry

Forget Regret
Forget Right and Wrong
When you Touch me
There's Nothing Else that Matters
All I can Care About is You
All I Really Want is you
Kiss me like there's no Tomorrow
End my Sorrow with your Lips
Forget About Tomorrow
Forget About Tomorrow

Forget About Tomorrow
Forget about, forget about tomorrow

I'll always remeber I'll always cherish
that warmth in your eyes
The warmth that kept me hole
The warmth that faded into cold
I'll always rember, I'll never forget
The love I felt for you

Det ar lite mer smagrejer pa slutet men inte sa jattevktig text, kanns bara fanigt att skrva ner massa oande, haha


sanna said...

jättefin text, längtar tills du kan sjunga den för mig!!!

Anonymous said...

du få ha en liten mini konsert för dina vänner sen när du kommer hem ;)

My said...

:D Absolut! Ska fila pa de andra tva latarna sa de blir fardiga med!!

Anonymous said...

Texten var jättefin. ^^ Du bara måste ha en lite konsert när du kommer hem! Hoppas du har haft roligt än så länge där nere å att resten av resan blir lika om ändå inte ännu bättre. Ta han om dig och fortsätt skriv! /Sofie J